Thursday 06 March, 2025
All About Diesel Generators
Diesel generators are electricity generators which use diesel fuel as their source of chemical energy. The machine burns this diesel and generates electricity which can be used for various things. They’re widely used for backup power, remote locations, or situations where grid electricity isn’t reliable or available.
How it Works
The generator ignites the fuel under high pressure conditions. The pressure from these tiny explosions cause the pistons to turn. These will then cause a crankshaft to turn. The shaft is connected directly to an alternator that uses electromagnetic induction to create an electric field that is then piped out through cables.
The system dates way back to the 19th century and was invented by Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer. The original design used pressurized air to ignite the fuel. Subsequent versions would include a spark plug which saw a more efficient ignition of the fuel.
Gas vs Diesel
Gasoline powered generators are as popular as ever. This is because they use the same unleaded gasoline that most people’s cars use. It is widely available and easy to access. But diesel generators are preferred by people who value fuel efficiency as well as some other beneficial features. In fact, most large commercial fuel powered generators use diesel fuel.
As we mentioned earlier, diesel fuel is more efficient. Diesel engines extract more energy per unit of fuel due to their higher compression ratios (typically 14:1 to 22:1 vs. 8:1 to 12:1 for gas). This means they burn less fuel to produce the same amount of power.
Diesel generators also last longer. This is because they are built more sturdily than gas generators. They can have up to more than double the lifespan of a gas generator.
Diesel fuel also has double the shelf life that gas has. Gas is listed as being fully storable and ready to use for 6-12 months whereas diesel is listed at 12-24 months.
For all these reasons you can see why diesel is preferred by many. This especially holds true for large commercial operations where they deal with volume, safety and durability. Think hospitals, emergency businesses, remote location headquarters and the like.
If you are in the Lynchburg area of Central Virginia and need diesel fuel delivery please give us a call at 434-845-0971