Monday 17 March, 2025

Why Diesel Generators Are Still the Backbone of Backup Power in 2025

Anytime the power goes out there are a myriad of generators which kick on to keep electricity flowing. Think about places which absolutely need power or people’s lives can be at stake. Hospitals, nursing homes, and other care facilities should come to mind.

Diesel generators are the backbone of operations like this. Why diesel? There are several reasons actually. Diesel generator are more reliable. They are more likely to start and they are less likely to conk out. They have better power outputs as well.

Think about shipping and locomotives. They chose diesel when their industry modernized. Diesel fuel is widely available, mass produced and safer, mainly because of it’s high flashpoint. Diesel fuel can even been delivered to remote locations thanks to services like ours. We deliver diesel fuel anywhere in the Lynchburg and greater areas of Virginia. This diesel can be used for generators and vehicles alike.

Diesel’s track record is solid. Trains switched to the fuel over 100 years ago. Trains have enjoyed the power, stability and reliability of diesel and have no plans to switch to any other fuel in the near future.

It is estimated that diesel generators make up between 70-80% of all “stand bye” units. These are units which switch on instantly when there is an interruption in power from the grid. It is also estimated that almost half of all diesel fuel sales are to the power generation, specifically diesel powered electricity generators.

Diesel generators are more expensive than gas generators but the tradeoff is that gas generators are more dangerous and less reliable, although there have been many improvements and advances in that space in recent years.


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  • Posted by : Diesel
  • Written By: admin1

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