Tuesday 03 May, 2022

Cheap AC Air Filters vs Expensive AC Air Filters

Is there a difference between cheap AC air filters and expensive ones? In this article we will attempt to answer that very question. Why Do We Need AC Filters? The AC unit moves a large volume of air throughout your home. This creates a bit of a vacuum at the

  • Posted by : AC
  • Written By: admin1

Monday 25 April, 2022

Oil Heaters & Boilers

If you have never had an oil heater or boiler in your life the entire system may seem very foreign to you. Many people grow up with electric heating and don’t give much thought to oil heat until they buy a house with an existing system or if they are


Friday 22 April, 2022

What are the Benefits of Heating Oil?

Many people in Virginia heat their homes with heating oil. All ways of heating involve burning fossil fuels. That fuel is burned and then transformed into energy. These fuel sources are natural gas, coal and oil. In this article we want to dive into the benefits of heating your home


Monday 12 October, 2020

We Now Offer iWave Ionic Air Purifiers

Sterling Oil now offers a new product line that can fit right into your existing or new heating or AC system. The iWave ionic air purifier uses electric ion technology to purify the air and keep mold and other free particulate matter from roaming free. This includes airborne viruses as


Friday 09 October, 2020

HVAC – What Does it Mean?

You may know that HVAC usually refers to a company that handles heat and air conditioning, but do you know what the entire abbreviation stands for? Well it stands for Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning. The “V” in the HVAC is usually the letter that trips everyone up. But ventilation


Friday 02 October, 2020

Fuel Oil vs Heating Oil

Unless you are in the industry or have had both of these different types of heating systems, chances are that you do not know the difference between heating oil and fuel oil. This article aims to clear up any confusion that you may have on the subject. The difference between


Wednesday 23 September, 2020

Heating with Kerosene

When it comes to surviving cold winters, a reliable source of heat is imperative. Many people use electric heating for their home, which typically generates high electricity bills. Others use wood furnaces, which take a lot of man hours to keep stoked. But a large portion of the country use


Wednesday 16 September, 2020

Off-Road Diesel vs On-Road Diesel

There are two different types of diesel fuel. There is on-road diesel fuel and there is off-read diesel fuel. So what’s the difference? We will take a look in this post. On-road diesel fuel is for cars and vehicles that typically drive on the paved roads and highways as well


Wednesday 22 April, 2020

Do it Yourself Spring Maintenance Check List

We are all spending more time at home these days, waiting out the dreaded pandemic. What better time to work on the home and getting it to run as efficiently as possible? We have put together this list of things you can do to improve the efficiency of you home


Tuesday 14 April, 2020

Does Your AC Need to be Replaced?

The heat is right around the corner. Society may have shut down because of the pandemic but mother nature hasn’t. The seasons will continue to cycle no matter what. Spring has sprung and 90 degree summer days are not long behind. With that in mind we have created this blog

  • Posted by : AC
  • Written By: admin1
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