Friday 03 April, 2020

Now May Be the Best Time to Buy Heating Oil

With the U.S. and most of the world’s economy at almost a standstill, the use of petroleum has naturally decreased. And it has decreased by quite a lot. Since the oil market is “supply and demand” based, the slow down has affected prices. The lack of demand has stifled the


Thursday 19 March, 2020

Spring Time AC Tips

It is starting to heat up again and that means using your AC is in the not-too-distant future. This fact has inspired us to put together this short blog that will give you steps you can take to help your AC unit come back on-line the best way possible. When


Friday 06 March, 2020

Upcoming Events for Lynchburg and Surrounding Area

Its almost spring time everybody. Time to thaw out and get ready for the warm months ahead. But, you don’t have to wait until summer to find fun and interesting things to do in Lynchburg, there is plenty to do now. We have put together this list of upcoming events

  • Posted by : Local
  • Written By: admin1

Thursday 21 November, 2019

Interesting Facts About Heating Oil

Heating and cooling are our specialty. We serve Lynchburg Virginia and surrounding areas. A major part of our business is providing heating oil for those households that require this type of fuel source. In this article we would like to share some facts about heating oil which the reader may


Friday 15 November, 2019

Tips to Help You Save Money Heating Your Home

The coldest part of winter is right around the corner. The days are shorter and the heat from the sun is overtaken by the cold of empty outer space. Our coldest days can be brutal. All people want to do (can do) is stay in doors during the extreme cold


Monday 04 November, 2019

Upcoming Events in Lynchburg Virginia

Fall is a beautiful time of year for the State of Virginia. Cooler weather, leaves changing and all types of local events makes fall may people’s favorite season of the year. We have compiled this short list of upcoming events for the month of November for Lynchburg and the surrounding


Tuesday 22 October, 2019

Five Things You Should Know About Heating Oil

In this article we want to share five things you may not know about heating oil. We feel these are important facts regarding heating oil. 1. Heating Oil  is Safe – You have seen all the news stories about explosions caused by a natural gas leak. This is not possible


Friday 11 October, 2019

Is Heating Oil Safe?

If you are thinking of moving into a home that has a heating-oil system and are worried about it being safe, don’t be. Heating-oil is one of the safest heating fuels there are. In fact, if you were to drop a lit match into the heating-oil it would extinguish just


Tuesday 07 May, 2019

Repair and Replacement of Air Ducts

The air ducts in your home supply the treated air (heated or cooled) to the rooms throughout your house. They are insulated passageways that run in your attic and walls. Like anything else, these ducts have a shelf life. A duct system that is over 15 years old can start


Tuesday 30 April, 2019

Why You Should Buy Heating Oil in the Summer

Sounds bizarre right? Why would anyone buy heating oil in the middle of the summer when it is hot outside? You only buy it when you need it, correct? Not so fast. There are a couple reasons why yo should buy heating oil in the summer. You know the saying

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