Monday 02 November, 2015

Ways to Heat Your Lynchburg VA Home

If you are new to the area of Lynchburg VA , you may be wondering what the large tanks outside of homes and businesses are.  These are for holding fuel to heat dwellings during the harsh winters.  The standard electric systems begin to fail and will leave you with inadequate


Thursday 29 October, 2015

How Shale Oil Affects Heating Oil Prices

The price of a barrel of oil has become a thing of scrutiny ever since our attention was turned to the Middle East decades ago.  The need to be less dependent on foreign oil has caused innovators to find ways to better meet our own fuel demands.  As opposed to


Tuesday 20 October, 2015

Ways to Save Money When Heating Your Home this Winter

If your home is not properly winterized, it will be like throwing money out with your heat.  Snow and below freezing temperatures are the norm during Lynchburg, VA winters.  A few simple and easy preparations can save you a lot of money on your heating bill.  You may even be


Thursday 15 October, 2015

Inspections for Oil Tank

An improperly working oil tank can cost you hundreds of wasted dollars.  Whether you are buying a new home or have an older pump that seems to be going through oil faster than it usually does, an inspection can tell a lot.  It is important to have your heating oil


Monday 05 October, 2015

History of Heating Oil to Warm Homes

If you have ever been in a home warmed with heating oil, there is a depth to the warmth not found in homes that use electric or space heaters.  It is the most efficient source of heat and has a bright future to go along with its progressive heritage.  Originally


Wednesday 22 October, 2014

MDA LockUp

Its Not to Late to still Donate to the MDA just click on the link below and help the children in the MDA LockUp .. Just click this link Our very own Donna Beeler Hensley is pictured here. This cause helps raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a


Thursday 05 December, 2013

Oil Processing

“Drill baby drill,” one of the catchiest phrases to come out of the 2008 presidential election. No matter what your stance is on drilling, we all know our home heating oil originates from crude oil extracted from the earth. The final product however is far from the stuff first taken


Tuesday 03 December, 2013

Oil Production

I think if the typical American citizen was asked which country is responsible for producing the largest amount of oil in the world, the most typical answer would probably be somewhere from halfway around the world.  These folks might be surprised to find out that United States is in fact


Tuesday 03 December, 2013

History of Home Heating

Today we are lucky enough to live in a world where we can control the temperatures in our homes with the click of a button or turn of a dial. I imagine most of us never stop to think of how people heated their homes even 100 years ago, it


Wednesday 27 November, 2013

Pros of Oil Heat

According to the United States Energy Information Administration, as of 2009 about 10% of homes (approximately 14 million total) in America use oil or propane to heat their households. You may often hear about the negative aspects of using either oil or propane. It is often portrayed as being expensive

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