Friday 19 October, 2012

Women In The Oil Business

Women in the Industry Over the years while working in many phases of this industry, I have come to realize that one of the most often overlooked groups of people in our industry is the women who work for our companies. Many of these same women seldom or never make


Wednesday 17 October, 2012

Sterling Oil VP gets to meet the Candidate VP Paul Ryan


Monday 01 October, 2012

Build With Oil

Build With Oil is the comprehensive program created to promote Oilheat to builders, contractors, building owners, real estate professionals and homeowners. If you’re an Oilheat Dealer, the Build With Oil Program is your practical guide for building on the success of the national program to benefit your own company. Helping you get


Monday 01 October, 2012

Quality Homes Deserve Quality Heat! OIL HEAT

  Quality Homes Deserve Quality Heat!Builders and realtors alike are well-advised to consider the many advantages of Oilheat. Advantages that add value to homes and make them easier and more profitable to sell. Most importantly, Oilheat increases buyers’ immediate and long-term satisfaction with their homes—thereby enhancing your reputation as a quality builder


Thursday 21 June, 2012

Oil Prices Coming Down

Oil Hovers Around 8-Month Lows Near $80 By The Associated Press Posted 9:30AM 06/21/12Posted under: Energy, Economy 103 46060 By PABLO GORONDI Oil prices hovered around 8-month lows near $80 a barrel Thursday after the U.S. central bank balked at implementing vigorous stimulus measures to boost waning economic growth and U.S. crude stockpiles


Monday 21 May, 2012

Energy Tomorrow

Oil Energy Tomorrow – Petroleum, or crude oil, is a naturally-occurring liquid composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon compounds. Americans use oil for transportation fuel and to heat our homes, but this resource is vital to our daily lives in many other, lesser-known ways. Petroleum products touch most aspects of


Friday 04 May, 2012

Information About OilHeat

Warmth for today … the energy to fuel the future. That’s Oilheat. It’s where comfort meets technology. Where world-class innovation meets friendly personalized service. Where technological advances are made every day that can help you save energy … money … and our environment. This site has a wealth of information

  • Posted by : Heating
  • Written By: donnabh

Monday 16 April, 2012

Common Heating and Cooling Questions and Answers

What is the best set-point for my thermostat? Temperature set points in the home are clearly a matter of personal preference. We do recommend that homeowners leave their thermostats at one setting and avoid turning the system on and off. This will allow your system to keep comfort levels even


Monday 16 April, 2012

What Are Degree Days?

Heating engineers who wanted a way to relate each day’s temperatures to the demand for fuel to heat buildings developed the concept of heating degree days. To calculate the heating degree days for a particular day, find the day’s average temperature by adding the day’s high and low temperatures and

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